MISSION: To create a Community where belonging grows, and isolation
disappears.WHAT IS BELONG?
Belong is an environment of acceptance and of collaboration. Where
you are part of a community where everyone knows your name, and
everyone BELONGS.
Belong is an environment built on the Jewish values of inclusiveness,
warmth, kindness, and loving your fellow as yourself.
Belong looks to minimize barriers to entry. To create an environment
where we are comfortable being welcoming.
BELONG'S PROGRAM: Friday Night Dinners:
Friday night dinners are designed to allow for the making of
connections. They are by invitation and utilize assigned seating to focus
on allowing for the greatest degree of social interaction.
Home Hospitality:
The objective of the Home Hospitality program is to support those in
our community who need reaching out to. An invitation for a Shabbat
meal, an afternoon BBQ, or a play date for their children. All can
contribute to the feeling of being welcome.
Food Bank:
Members of our community experience a lack of food security. We
partner with Jewish Family Services and Kehilla to host a monthly food
bank to support those who are in need. Mama-Belong:
Mama-belong is a partnership between Belong and Mamatefet.
The objective of Mama-Belong is to support new mothers. The new
mother will receive a fully catered Friday night Shabbat meal for her
family shortly after the birth.
There are opportunities to volunteer as part of any one of the four Belong programs.
Please contact either Rabbi Varnai at 604-441-4770 or Dan Shmilovitch at 778-386-0956 or
dss_18@hotmail.com to discuss how you could volunteer.
Belong provides programming and support at no cost to the recipients. Your support through a donation would be greatly appreciated. Please click through on the button below. Thanking you in advance for your kind consideration.